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Red de Alimentos de Emergencia de Denver

ha entregado 326,342 comidas gratis desde el 18 de marzo de 2020

Una amplia coalición de voluntarios, socios comunitarios y donantes se unieron para hacer posible esta entrega de comida de emergencia esencial. A medida que la red de alimentos de emergencia se detiene el 30 de agosto, queremos compartir nuestra gratitud y el impacto que tuvo en nuestra comunidad. Vea nuestro informe de impacto, publicado el 8 de septiembre de 2020.


Si necesita alimentos, utilice esta lista de recursos alimentarios que hemos seleccionado.


Vea nuestro último video a continuación y todos los videos en nuestro canal de YouTube.

Home: Our Goals

En el área metropolitana de Denver, miles de familias, ancianos e individuos están necesitados y han reducido la seguridad alimentaria y el acceso a los alimentos debido al riesgo de COVID-19. Para abordar esta necesidad, la Red Metropolitana de Alimentos de Emergencia de Denver se lanzó en marzo de 2020 para proporcionar comidas preparadas, gratuitas y seguras entregadas a los necesitados.


Colorado Emergency Food Network es una organización sin fines de lucro registrada en el estado de Colorado. Denver Food Rescue sirve como nuestro patrocinador fiscal 501c3. Todas las donaciones son deducibles de impuestos.



Entregue 4 comidas a los miembros de la comunidad más necesitados del Área Metropolitana de Denver que no pueden salir de sus hogares.


Entregue 20 comidas a los miembros de la comunidad más necesitados del Área Metropolitana de Denver que no pueden salir de sus hogares.


Entregue 208 comidas a los miembros de la comunidad más necesitados del Área Metropolitana de Denver que no pueden salir de sus hogares.


Entregue 10,438 comidas a los miembros de la comunidad más necesitados del Área Metropolitana de Denver que no pueden salir de sus hogares.


Estas organizaciones fundadoras, junto con nuestros socios de apoyo, forman la Red de Alimentos de Emergencia del Metro de Denver.



Founded in 2017, Bondadosa is a social enterprise that harnesses the power of Colorado's community of producers, growers, and small businesses. We serve as the front line in the fight against food injustice by utilizing technology to build a better distribution network. We also support emerging startups focused on agriculture and sustainable transportation.





We increase health equity with Denver neighborhoods by rescuing high-quality, fresh produce and perishable foods that would otherwise be thrown away by grocery stores, farmers markets, and produce distributors. With the help of our amazing volunteers, the food we rescue is delivered (often biked!) to Denver neighborhoods for direct distribution at No Cost Grocery Programs (NCGPs).  NCGPs are co-created with existing community organizations like schools, recreation centers, and nonprofits that are already established and trusted within the neighborhood, decreasing transportation barriers.





At Focus Points, we believe that a strong family is made up of thriving individuals. This means that both children and caregivers have the support they need to pursue their goals. Our multigenerational programs meet families’ needs by connecting them to resources to build healthy, strong families.





Friends & Family is a nonprofit organization. Our mission is to provide educational events and programming for members of the food and beverage industry in Colorado. We do good things for good people. We invite to you join us. We welcome people from all areas of industry. The Core:: Employees of restaurants (front and back of house), bars, coffee shops, etc. The Makers: Employees of distilleries, breweries, and other food or beverage businesses. The Network: sales representatives, distributors. The Allies: food and beverage writers, bloggers, photographers and public relations companies.





Lost City is a social impact restaurant and community space that offers specialty coffee, delicious housemade food, full catering and event hosting, and (coming Spring 2020 to River North) a cocktail bar. We have locations at the River North Taxi campus and in Capitol Hill. Lost City is a mission-driven business with two areas of impact focus: first, supporting and celebrating immigrant and refugee communities here in Colorado through mentorship, fundraising and related support; and second, leaning into serving the underserved in our local Denver neighborhoods.

The Colorado Emergency Food Network is a registered non-profit with the state of Colorado.
Denver Food Rescue serves as our 501c3 fiscal sponsor.
Home: Sponsors


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¿Interesado en ser voluntario para entregar comida? Complete el siguiente formulario. Gracias!

(720) 594-2065 para más información

©2020 by Denver Metro Emergency Food Delivery Service - Powered by Bondadosa

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